Saturday,23 May 2009,around 10.15 p.m(Malaysia time)
First time dude...seriously...watching "kuda kepang" infront of my own fucking eyes..maybe,some asking,what the fuck is "kuda kepang"???..."kuda kepang,one of the Malaysian traditional dance...In Malaysia,there are many type of dance which one will represent most of the tribe...or you can search at using keyword "kuda kepang" will give you more information regarding "kuda kepang"...because i don't want to explain about "kudang kepang" more than what i want to tell you about what happen in front of my house right now...
Yeah front of my fucking house...this "kuda kepang" group are came from or local people...yeah dude...i'm proud of that...there strarted around 10'30 p.m...8 players of "kuda kepang" entered into the scene which can you see on the picture above....including the main player...there are 9 players...they started with their steps..i don't know what the fuck this steps are called..with the background music to make you feel's fucking real dude...
One by one will started to be "something else"...hoho..i don't know how to explain in english...something like, ghost got into someone body and take control the body....they are unconcious dude..."something" control their bodies and start to do the ridiculous things...bite the coconut with their fucking teeth...using the young coconut dude...everybody can bite the young coconut just like them dude...seroiusly..if you don't believe me...go try...then they started to crashed the coconut to their fucking head...anyone can do that too..but,make sure...young coconut...than,it will continuously for period of time...i don't know how long it will continue...because i don't feel like to watch it any more..
you can also watch some of the "kuda kepang" videos at you tube...and you can understand more how "kuda kepang" been it's one of Malaysia traditional dance..even though that are not really from's came from Indonesia dude...but i'm proud of the effort from my local village people..."Kampung Pasir Putih" dude..that's my place...
p/s: they are not finished yet's been one hour...even i cannot stand there for an's fucking tired legs have been shacking...i just can't stand there anymore...or, because i smoking weeds earlier???
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